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Donations | Brandon Gosselin

Donation Options


Please Donate


Below you will find 24 donation options in support of The Empowering B.A.C.K. Foundation. While 24 options is a lot, our donation options range from $5 to $6,250+. Donations are separated into 3 categories:

Monetary: Monetary donation made on your behalf to The Empowering B.A.C.K. Foundation

Book Donation: Donate Brandon’s book on your behalf to any student, school, organization or library of your choice

Keynote Speech or Workshop: For substantial donations, Brandon will donate his professional speaking services on your behalf to the school or organization of your choice.


Donate Financially

Donate $5

Donate $25

Donate $50

Donate $100

Donate $250

Monthly Donations

 Donate $5/month
Donate $25/month
Donate $50/month

Donate $100/month

Donate $250/month

Annual Donations

 Donate $5/year
Donate $25/year
Donate $50/year

Donate $100/year

Donate $250/year



Donate Books

Donate books to a school, a library, or to an organization of your choice.

Donate 1 Book: $25
Donate 5 Books: $125


Donate 10 Books: $250
Donate 25 Books: $625


Donate 50 Books: $1250
Donate 100 Books: $2500


Donate 250 Books: $6250






Donate a Keynote Speech or a Workshop

Brandon will also Donate his time for substantial donations made to The Empowering B.A.C.K. Foundation. Having shared the stage with notable speakers – such as NFL Legend Peyton Manning – Brandon is passionate about serving others & helping them realize their potential in achieving their ASPIRATIONS!


  • Brandon Gosselin Keynote Speech: Contact for more information
  • Brandon Gosselin Hosting Workshop: Contact for more information

Request me as your Keynote Speaker!

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